The most common use for sticky asset labels is on IT equipment, this can be everything from small radio pagers to large display systems. The asset labels we manufacture can be any size and made from materials that will withstand excessive handling, being abrasion and chemical resistant.
Our customer sample shown above is manufactured from a 3M polyester that will have a stronger bond to a computer or tablet the longer it is left in place, the coloured logo also enhances the label promoting the company at the same time.
Asset labels or asset tags as they are sometimes known are the preferred method for collating an asset register without permanently damaging the items marked. Difficult to remove, they can be discreetly positioned or even designed to fit in with original product labels. You can design your own standard asset labels here or read more information on our asset label page.
A majority of customers compile a database using a unique sequential number to identify each item that is being added to the asset register. A whole range of details can be kept on the database including location, serial numbers, department and even portable appliance testing schedules that will create a prompt when a test is due.
Contact us for more details.
#assetlabels, #it
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